SCHEDULE YOUR CELESTIAL ADVENTUREin just three easy steps...
1. CHECK THE TOUR SCHEDULEFrom the calendar below, choose available date(s) during 2020 and 2021. Please see the current COVID update on the home page.
GREEN dates are public--or possibly private--program tours. Please inquire. The darkest skies with little or no moonlight. YELLOW dates are public--or possibly private--program tours. Please inquire. These nights have a bit of moonlight (about 30-50%).RED dates are sold out and are not available. You may request placement on the standby list in case of a rare cancellation. [WHITE] dates are not available for public tours, but may be available for a Private Group Tour. GRAYdates are CLOSED. These are not available for either public or private tours. Sorry.
After Dennis confirms space availability for your requested date(s) you may then make your reservation payment at the Prices & Reserations page. Reservations are first-come, first-served, and do not exist without this advance payment. In addition to receiving an immediate receipt from PayPal you will also receive a personal confirmation note from Dennis within 24 hours. Children younger than 9 are not admitted. Sorry.
After you check the schedule, e-mail to Dennis the following information to confirm that enough space remains available: •Your preferred date(s)•How many in your party•Your primary AND alternate email addresses PleaseDONOTpaybeforeconfirmingspaceavailalability.DenniswillALWAYSrespond--usuallywithinaday.Ifyoudon’t receivearesponse,pleasecheckyourspamandjunkfolders,orwriteagainandPROVIDEABACKUPADDRESS.Keepin mind that some addresses (particularly hotmail, icloud, mac, me, live, and others) can block and bounce emails aggressively.